


Leisure does not consist in doing nothing, but in what we do not do otherwise.

Alpe Schönberg - 1341m

Visit our Alpe Schönberg from parking Riedbergpasshöhe 15 min. (suitable for prams)
Opening hours daily from the beginning of June to the end of September
Specials: regional snacks, milk, drinks, coffee & homemade cakes made from spelt flour.
During the alpine summer there are about 110 cattle here.
Type of alpine pasture: Young cattle pasture with dairy cow husbandry



From May to November 3, 2019 we offer "Free ride with the Hörner cable cars", which means one free ascent and descent per day and person with the Hörner cable car Bolsterlang and the World Cup Express Ofterschwang.

The place




Further information can be found at:


additional interesting possibilities

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